
Monday, April 15, 2013

The Library - Your Secret Retreat

As a child growing up in rural Buena Vista (18 miles west of Portsmouth, OH on US52) in the late 1940's, my school was a two room building with first and second grades in one, and third and forth in the other. Aromas of chalk dust, coal smoke, oiled floors and lunch pails filled with baloney or "PBJ samiches"and an apple.

One of my fondest memories of those imprintable days of youth was of the Bookmobile's visit. Here in an old 1930's bus, converted to a library on wheels, where you entered in the rear door, up the steps and into a magical world filled with shelves loaded with new titles on both sides. Here you chose the books that would fill your bedtime quiet with stories of places and people and times you may never know. Then with open book still resting on your little chest, to drift into sleep with visions dancing about until first light.

  In that musty old bus, was one of my first glimpses to the world beyond my culture. It was on this bus, that I learned to explore words, ideas, other places, and so much more. 

 “In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.”  Mark Twain

Your library, be it a Bookmobile, school library, or our magnificent Carnegie built Portsmouth Public Library... is your gateway to exploration.

You can "google," “search,” “find” so much on the internet… download Kindle, Nook and PDF files to your PC or reader… the world may well be at your fingertips…  

...but nothing can replace the satisfaction of setting in a library, experiencing the tangible feeling of holding a real book in your hand, turning page after page as you fill your mind with words, meanings and visions imagined. All experienced in the silent solitude among the stacks and rows of millions of words there for you to discover.   

“A library is a good place to go when you feel unhappy, for there, in a book, you may find encouragement and comfort. A library is a good place to go when you feel bewildered or undecided, for there, in a book, you may have your question answered. Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people - people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.”                    - E. B. White 

Yes, there are many avenues for reading sources, but none can replace the sacred home of wisdom and pleasure know as your Public Library.

This is National Library Week!

Visit the library near you and rekindle (no pun intended) that experience you can find nowhere else. Retreat into the solitude of your mind, filling it in single, uninterrupted purpose.

It is your library, use it!

Celebrate National Library Week With Us! Monday, April 15th

During NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK and throughout April, libraries of all types host special events to highlight the unique role libraries play in people’s lives. Todays libraries can help you and your family discover a new and exciting world through collections, digital resources and more. Whether you come for homework or job searches, help with citizenship issues or finances, adult education classes or to find the best books for young readers, libraries are a great place to spend quality time and connect with loved ones and friends.

Portsmouth Public Library Bookmobile

The Portsmouth Public Library has operated a bookmobile since 1938 and has offered Homebound Services since 2000. The Outreach Services Department serves all communities within the Scioto County borders providing specialized services to pre-schools, daycares, public school, and nursing facilities. The Outreach Services Department provides large print books, paperbacks, and magazines. Audio books (books read on CD), DVDs, and descriptive videos for the visually impaired (DVS) are also available. For more information regarding the Outreach Services Department, please call (740) 354-5413 or e-mail Mobile Services Department.