
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life is "peculiar," sort of.

Life is "peculiar," sort of.  
2011 for this person, has been filled with what some consider challenges, large challenges. I prefer to view them as "peculiar" happenings.
As so many others have found, this last year has been filled with life altering  events on a personal level. Like most “seniors,” due to the economy, my fixed income has been drastically augmented. My health has been compromised by a near death infection, destroyed rotor cuff  and mastoid surgeries to name a few. Coupled with PTSD from my Nam days, this has been a "peculiar" year.
I have lost Pillars in my family who have Passed to a better Place and friends who were pivotal in my being who I am today. Some of my closest inner circle have also faced death, and have been spared for now.
I am not complaining, for I know others who have experienced greater "peculiarities." 
Carl Jung, the notes Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of analytical psychology wrote… "The word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." 
The impact of these events, life giving and taking, sad and fraught with danger, has endowed a better grasp of the real meaning of our lives. They have gifted me with new found wisdom to have answers for others, which I could have never found on my own.
In Balance, they have wiped the scales of doubt and darkness from my eyes, and allowed me to see the Gifts of our Great Creator in a new and brilliant light.
The holes of these changes are carved into our Spirit Place are there forever, but they are surrounded with new and enriching events that help us understand that they are important as markers in our lives, but are not the sum of our existence.
Each of these "peculiarities" are new benchmarks for reference, in a good way. Of course we all will miss those who have gone, and no one enjoys being unhealthy, but in the end all are better members of the society of mankind for this last years "peculiarities."
The prime values we can gather from these "peculiarities" are that we are never alone, therefore we must find a Balance with all things within our Circle.
Euripides, the ancient Greek philosopher dit the nail on the head with… "The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really wise."
Therefore what I have taken away from 2011 is that altho my life had been changed, it was up to me to continue the "dance of Life" in new and better ways.
Until the next post, be of good heart and find the best in every "peculiarity."

…. the elk