
Thursday, August 19, 2010

A ThoughfulTidbit

Life comes as a complete package, the good, bad and the middlings...
learn and grow from each in it's measure.
Always remember, what you are, is what you choose to be.
Please choose wisely.

Jim Great Elk Waters ©2010

Find a Common Place in The Circle of The Ancestors

I beg all of us, to control our passions...
to ever measure our words carefully.

It is easy to follow the fire our passions, but it is our reasoned thinking that finds the good path.

We own every word we utter, write or think. Our words are most powerful weapons. They can make us believe our position is the moral and correct one, yet inflame others beyond reason… and visa versa.

Before we condemn those with who we disagree, "walk a while in their moccasins." The emotion of their passion is not unlike ours, only the reasons cause them differ. Understanding what fires others passions will help us all find a common place in the Circle of the Ancestors.

If we are to ever find some unity in our beloved country... good words and good thoughts must counter those we find abhorrent. If we are to make the world a better place for the Seven Generations not yet born, we must become dedicated statesmen, not reactionary sheep.

It is destiny of the First People of the Great Turtle Island to cause the end that which separates us, and push the herd together. This is OUR manifest destiny.

Jim Great Elk Waters ©09