
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tuesday April 2nd

Jim Great Elk Waters is one of Five Authors 
selected for Portsmouth Public Library’s first 
Local Author Showcase

Portsmouth Public Library - 1220 Gallia St. Portsmouth
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

5:30-7:30 pm

Hi Friends,

Great news!
I’ll be signing and reading from my several books this Tuesday April 2nd, at the Portsmouth Public Library - 1220 Gallia St. Portsmouth. This is the Library’s first Local Author Showcase, and should be the perfect opportunity to connect with some of our local authors, talk shop and add some great titles to your personal library at home.

My works will include:
View From the Medicine Lodge 2012
A collection of Native American stories, history, poetry, fine art and a comprehensive glossary of Algonquian language.       
           14.95+ tax (retail 16.95)
Genuine Indian Princess
The perfect genealogy tool for folks researching their American Indian heritage.            9.95 + tax (retail 12.95)
***The Complete System!***
Your Hidden Book Within  Text Book 16.97* (retail 29.97)
Your Hidden Book Within  Workbook             19.97* (retail 49.97)
The COMPLETE SYSTEM Total                   36.94* (retail 79.97)

When you buy the “Your Hidden Book Within - The Complete System, “ You will also receive a complementary 30 min. coaching call… (regularly 100.00) A total retail package 136.95 for only 36.94. A Savings of 143.00!

       We are offering a pre-publication special on the
       Mystic Medicine Lodge
       A  Five Book Set - Of one American Indian Man’s Private Books of Origin, Theology, Ritual, Culture and Philosophy of his People. "Filled with answers to the most asked questions about the Secrets of the First Peoples Mystic Ways.”…Please ask how you can be a Part of History!

The person who doesn't read good books
has no advantage over the one who can't read them.
 Mark Twain quotes 

If you have already purchased one of my books and want to have it personalized, bring it in and I’ll be pleased to resign it for you! …or if you are interested in “adopting” one of my books, please stop by and lets talk!

The Portsmouth Public Library’s Local Author Showcase is a great opportunity to promote published work, connect with fans, and talk shop with other authors. Authors of all genres and for all audiences are welcome, including self-published authors.

I would rather be poor in a cottage full of books
than a king without the desire to read.
 Thomas Babington Macaulay

 A great diversity of Authors are represented  in the five selected for Tuesday’s Showcase. The works cover historic America, America’s First People, Children’s stories, Young Adult fiction, poetry, Self Help and more. The authors of this Showcase are:
·         Mary E.(Lee) Robinson-children’s fiction
·         Jim great Elk Waters- adult non-fiction
·         Col. Charles Dahnmon Whitt- adult and young adult historical fiction
·         AJ Lape- young adult fiction
·         Kathryn Morgan [Olivia Owens]-adult fiction

Please come on out Tuesday evening (5:30 to 7:30), meet the authors, and take home some great reading materials.
We Support our Portsmouth Public Library! A very big thank you to the Portsmouth Public Library and their Publicity Coordinator,
Grace Peach.

Please contact me, Jim Great Elk Waters at: if you have any questions about my works… and if you have any questions about the library, please contact Grace Peach at: (740)354-5688 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done -March 27, 2013 by Leave a Comment

blog-GettingThingsDoneOne of the most common questions I receive is “Jack, how do you get so much done?” It’s a fair question, considering I’ve written 150 books, deliver an average of 50 live presentations around the world each year, invest a considerable amount of time with my Train the Trainer students, lead the Transformational Leadership Council, yet still have time to cultivate an amazing relationship with my wife, spend time with my kids and close friends, and take excellent care of my health.
In this article, I share seven of my top strategies for getting things done.

Strategy #1: Get Clear About What’s Required

When people set goals, particularly at the beginning of the year when working on their New Year’s resolutions, they tend to be overly optimistic about how much is actually possible. As a result, they over-commit or make lists that are far too long.
I’ve fallen into this trap before. I’ve learned that to be realistic, I must take the time to break goals down and ask, “What would actually be required for me to achieve this goal? How many hours would that take?” Once I have a list of activities and estimates of the time needed to achieve each item, I pull out my calendar and start scheduling all the activities.
This is the point when you come face to face with reality. If you realize that there’s not enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want, it’s time to go back and prioritize your goals. Once you’ve identified the things that are most important to accomplish, schedule the activities that those goals will require, and set aside the rest of your goals for later.

Strategy #2: Create a Daily Schedule

Simply setting aside time in your calendar may not be enough to achieve your goals. I go the extra step and create a daily schedule. Additionally, I use the Rule of 5. Each day I choose 5 specific tasks that will move me toward the completion of my goals and I ensure those tasks are included in my daily schedule. Daily use of the Top 5 Priority Action post-its can help keep your daily task list front and center. So if one of my daily tasks is to work on my book, I don’t simply say, “I’ll work on my book today” – I actually designate the hours that I’ll work on my book. This has been an essential step in ensuring that things actually get done.
To stay motivated, I review my yearly goals once a week, and then I plan my week around those goals. I identify what I need to accomplish in the coming week to achieve my long-term goals, and then I book those activities into my calendar. Each evening before I leave my office, I finalize my schedule for the following day.  When I walk in each morning, I can be productive immediately rather than wasting precious time figuring out what I’m going to do.

Strategy #3: Focus on the "Big Rocks"

When planning my daily schedule, sometimes I realize that I have an unreasonable amount of work on my to-do list for the next day. I know that I can’t get it all done. This is when I turn to my list of “Big Rocks” – my most important priorities. (If you are not familiar with the terminology, “Big Rocks” comes from Dr. Stephen Covey’s method of time management. Click here to watch a video of Covey demonstrating his approach.)
I keep my Big Rocks in a list on my iPad. The Big Rocks are the things I need to get done this quarter. When my daily schedule is overbooked, the Big Rocks are the things that get done.

Strategy #4: Center and Visualize

I start each day with a meditation to help me get grounded. Before I get up from my meditation cushion, I mentally rehearse my day, visualizing and feeling myself staying focused, working efficiently, and being productive. This helps to activate the Law of Attraction, lining up the inner and outer resources to make my day go smoothly.
Throughout the day, I do “refreshers.” Periodically throughout the day, I’ll close my eyes and focus on my breathing for a few minutes. This helps to center me and restore a sense of calm.
In addition, whenever I begin a new segment on my schedule, I’ll take a few seconds to visualize that section of my day going smoothly. When sitting down to write, I’ll visualize my writing going well. When I prepare to make phone calls, I’ll visualize my conversations going well and achieving the desired results.

Strategy #5: Keep Score

To stay on track to achieve goals, it’s important to keep score. This means assessing, each day, whether or not you’ve done what was necessary to achieve your goals.
For score-keeping to be effective, you must have your goals and score-keeping tool somewhere where you’re going to see it. If you can’t easily see your score, you can’t reasonably assess where you are.
There are a number of ways to keep score. When you were little, your parents or teachers may have helped you keep score with a sticker chart, where you’d get a sticker every time you kept your commitment to do your homework, for example. Some adults find that this approach is still effective. You could also use a simple checklist that lists your various to-do items and deadlines. Checking each item off as it’s completed can be powerful.
I’ve also discovered that there are several phone apps that work well for keeping score. If your smartphone is a constant companion, it would be a wise move to put your scorekeeping on your phone so it’s always handy. One of my favorite apps is Don’t Break the Chain, designed with the Jerry Seinfeld motivation technique. Jerry Seinfeld wanted to write a book, so he put a big red X every day through the calendar when he actually wrote. He didn’t want to break the chain of red X’s, hence the name Don’t Break the Chain.  (Click here for a list of apps reviewed by

Strategy #6: Celebrate Milestones

Celebrating your progress along the way is essential to staying motivated. If you set a goal that takes nine months to achieve, it’s hard to stay motivated the entire time because there’s no payoff. So build in milestones to celebrate along the way.
If your goal is to lose weight, celebrate every two pounds you lose. If you’re writing a book, celebrate every 20 pages that you write. If your goal is to book 35 speaking gigs, celebrate every 5 engagements that you book. Celebrating milestones keeps you inner child excited, because it feels rewarded for all of the efforts it’s made.

Strategy #7: Schedule Down Time

When you’re on fire to achieve your goals, it’s tempting to skip free time. (This is when you often here people say, “I’ll rest when I’m dead.”)
However, when you deny yourself free time, you get tired. You become less efficient. You make poorer decisions and are less creative. Your inner child can get resentful of the demanding pace, and it becomes easy to get burned out. That’s why I plan free time into my schedule to rest and rejuvenate.
My friend Dan Sullivan of The Strategic Coach, Inc., taught me to schedule three types of days into my calendar. Focus Days are primetime for work. Buffer Days are for practice, preparation and miscellaneous details, such as dental appointments or getting caught up on email. Free Days are the third type of day. They’re 24-hour periods dedicated to resting and recharging. I’ve found that scheduling Free Days have resulted in a greater level of passion, creativity and energy in my work.
Your goals are important – not only to you and your family, but to the world. You have a purpose, and your goals are how you are meant to live your purpose. The seven strategies I’ve shared here have been essential to my ability to get things done. Use them to ensure that when 2013 comes to an end, you’re celebrating the accomplishment of your goals, rather than regretting what hasn’t happened.
Want to accelerate your ability to achieve your goals? Join me at Breakthrough to Success. During this 5-day retreat, I’ll help you uncover your purpose, identify the goals that are most important, and create detailed action plans for getting things done. Get full details here.

You can, as long as you include this complete statement with it: Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Magic Drawer!

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"Oh the things that happen when we believe in magic!"

The mystical places our minds carry us as children, imprint our lives from that time on.
When I was a tyke, living in a small rural village on the shores of the ancient Ohio River, our father would make a practice to tell us stories on Saturday nights. This was most special as much of the time dad was on the road, in faraway places. He built the steel skeletons of high rises, skyscrapers, other commercial buildings and bridges.
Our dad was an Ironworker!
He walked the skinny steel beams high in the air, facing danger and death daily without fear. Because of that, he was gone most every week and only came home on the weekends.
Our father was a man of many wonderful and exciting self taught skills. Dad was not of a singular bent, but took life’s full measure readily. Amongst his other talents, he spoke several languages with aplomb. He was vaudevillian entertainer, a reporter and editor for newspapers, a teacher, a Chief Boatswain’s Mate, a Shawnee Elder, a enchanting singer and a skilled medical practitioner. He had always wanted to become a doctor.
All these life experiences of course, made his story telling most special!
His fables could transport one, child or elder, to places created in his fertile mind, so vivid one could feel the imagined breeze, taste the fruit and smell the sea air.
He was the most skilled storyteller I have ever heard.
My dad made magic real for me, this once a little fella, now a septuagenarian… and that belief has never faded.

What does that have to do with a Magic Drawer?

For one to understand the why, I needed to set the scene for you to understand, that although I don’t actually believe that things magically happen, I do embrace the possibility.
In my home as an example, there are indeed Magic Drawers. Every day when I arise, I go to the magic underwear drawer, with complete confidence that I will find fresh, neatly folded, laundered boxers and socks!
Voile! Like magic, they are always there.

This morning my belief was shaken. The drawer was not filled with mystic parcels of undergarments, but was nearly bare. I called out, “Honey, where are my new special sock I just got for my birthday?” Her reply, “We’ve been away for shipping and doctoring for the last couple of days and I haven’t done the laundry.”  
As the younger generations are want to say, “Like Duh?”

Yes, the secret of the Magic Drawers is the loving care of  my wife and life partner Lolita. She is the real magician in our domicile. She is the cause of my Magic Drawer. And I am forever thankful.

I am one happy child, in this time worn skin of an old man, knowing that there really is a Magic Drawer!

BTW: I do not burden Lo with all the household chores, but do pitch in and do the wash, cook and clean a fair share of the time. Nonetheless, I greatly appreciate the little things that she does, in her magical way… every much as I do the grand and wonderful acts that are a part of our half century love affair.

Yes, we have a Magic Drawer in our home!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Milestones of Birthdays... and the closeness they bring!

Skookum Megwich meShemahs chena niSawsawhs! *

   I would like to take a moment to thank the hundreds of friends and family who have offered their felicitations regarding my becoming a septuagenarian. 


   The day was filled with joy and happiness here in the forest. 

   Each of you have made a difference in my live, and I will forever be thankful.

  To those who I didn't offer a personal reply, it was because I probably didn't see your post. That is the problem with social media like Facebook. There are so many posts and they all seem to drift away quickly. 

  I am astounded by your friendship and love.

  One can but be humbled by the out pouring and promise to honor our relationships this year with love, energy and peacefulness within out Circle!

  It is precisely this kind of effusive spirit among friends and loved ones that refills the Pot of Life that we withdraw our daily energy. The open sharing of spontaneous positive emotion is so needed in this day of hustle-bustle, self centered "me first" attitude that is so pervasive today!   

 Your sharing means more than just an offering of birthday wishes, it is the vital ingredient that allows us to become better two-leggeds that we could have otherwise. By your unselfish, meaningful gifting of your gift of words, you have not only refilled my pot, but that of every person who read your thoughts. 

You made a difference, simply by caring. Isn't that marvelous? 

Megwich! Thank you!

the elk

* Skookum (much or many) Megwich (thanks or thank you) meShemahs (my sisters, female friends) chena (and) niSawsawhs! (my brothers or male friends) Algonquian Mide' dialect used by many of the Shawnee who escaped the impact of Indian Removal Act of 1832,which placed most of this counties First People east of the Mississippi, into concentration camps called the Indian Territory or reservations.
Read of this and much more in the upcoming Mystic Medicine Lodge.