
Thursday, December 16, 2010

On Immigration Control

Penned August 26, 2010© Jim Great Elk Waters
This blog was hard to write, but needed to be stated.

Unfortunately many of my First People are inadvertent racist.

We have in our hatred for past wrongs done to our Ancestors, and even in this generation, used that broad brush that we so despise when used on us... to taint an entire section of world heritage… the “white race.”

Immigration control has always been a problem on this Great Turtle Island (The Americas) I asked my father Chief Ten Moons Watters one time, Pop, what was the biggest mistake our Ancestors ever made?” Without hesitation he replied, “Shoulda issued green cards.” He never mention a race.

It was never "whites," but more specifically, Europeans and later Americans who brought their Manifest Destiny to play. I am ashamed that I, as an American Indian have to correct such good meaning, loving and mostly in balance People...
but truth is, that if we use racist verbiage... we are racist.

It is time to stop, my Brothers and Sister.
Be specific, or be silent. Being wrong does us no good.
Thanks for listening.

On Fall

Written Monday, September 20, 2010
Just wanted to share.
Jim Great Elk Waters©2010

Yes, fall is my fav time of the year... but wait, I love all the spring newness and pale greens... and the summer when the birds and the insects and the amphibs fill the air with the cacophony of life... and of course, when the winter 's beauty when Grandmother is covered with snow softness and the undulations of our Mother earth can be seen in all her loveliness...
yeppers, fall is my fav... I think?
Oh well, I think I'll grab a cuppa and ponder for a bit.

Join me?

What is the Appalachian American Indian Dream

I recently was asked, "What is the Appalachian American Indian Dream" you refer to?"
In a need to "brand" myself for business and educational proposes, I felt that this was in line with the who that I am. The dreams and visions of our First Peoples need to be shared by a those who have been mentored and have mastered much of those visions and traditions. I have spent much of my life in this endeavor, thus the "brand."
Why Appalachia, you ask? I was raised at the western edge of Appalachia, and my concentrated knowledge is of the People of the region of the world's first mountain range, therefore I am always attempting to be a master of the Appalachian American Indian dreams and Visions.
Hope that makes sense.

I have found that living as if I am in that time (without being naive as to the world about) I am able to surround myself with like minded people who as a group, find the ability to return to that yesterday, for a time. To visit it a while refilling the pot and refreshing the Spirit. Come join us, if you are one of us.
That said, no, we cannot reverse the clock, but we retain the ability to control it's progress in our personal lives. Akin to biofeedback. It works.

Sitting in our library, watching the snows build, drift and swirl and am moved to create. Such are the best of days.

Merriest of Christmases to you and yours.
Walk in Balance.
Your Brother,
the elk

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Help me move my studio

3 days Only!

I’m moving my Studio/Gallery from
607 Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Ohio, to
2nd & Court Streets ,Portsmouth, Ohio

…and what you buy I won’t have to move.
Your gain is less pain for me…
thanks so much in advance!
30% OFF*
everything in my gallery collection.
See Coupon Below for additional savings!

For the next three days only !!
Thursday August 26
Friday August 27
Saturday August 28

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Note: My original Fine Art cannot be found at
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Email me for a detailed list of art available, or to purchase online at

Call me at 740 372-4210 if you have any questions or,
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Particularly Poignant

Although this piece is not my work, I thought this particularly poignant, and wanted to share this bit of wisdom from...
Motivational Tip of the Day!

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey.
We are spiritual beings on a human journey."

— Dr. Stephen Covey: Best-selling author and professor - FROM NIGHTINGALE.COM

Enjoy every step of your journey. It's not the money, the cars, and the stuff we acquire along our journey that matter. It's the love, the friendships, the peace, and the memories we acquire that matter most.

I enjoy and recommend Motivational Tips of the Day. If you want to have them delivered daily just log onto and sign up.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Imperfection

My Imperfection

In my nearly perfect imperfection I have found a marvelous gift.
I have become acutely aware of the magnificence of the perfection that I see in the ever changing vistas each day, and night. This magnificence reminds me that as student of my Mide’wiian faith, I was taught that I am created in our Maker’s image. Not of flesh, but of that which I envision as my Creator, all knowledge, power, wisdom, and infinite patience.

I am told it is my job to seek that perfect balance of creation, in everything Kiji Manito has provided for us. I am ever mindful that We are but the very last thought of creation, and I take that as a sign that all that things preceding we two-leggeds, having been made by the Great Black Mystery are as important, or of more importance than mankind.

I believe that G-D doesn’t make junk… we do! We are given perfection to study, understand and grow closer to the fullness that we need to be at our passing. Junking the good works of our Maker seems to be not a very good idea.

In this place I have been gifted, I am moved by passion to fill the pot of life I was given when I was born. Envision a large clay vessel with a stick resting the full depth, from top to bottom. In this pot pours everything I do each day… the good, bad and indifferent. At eventide, the bad settle to the bottom, the good effervesces to the top layer, and the middling are just that… in the middle. The smart person will at days end, touch top layer of the new muck at the bottom, and break off the stick lever at the rim. This way the bad cannot be relived by stirring the pot, only the good and indifferent.

In doing so one may just be able to grasp a bit of the goodness that is the perfection we are want to acquire. We do this to be as one with that impeccable unblemished Place that is Our Creator.

Achieving perfection is not our goal. Trying to become more perfect with that Gift is our job.

In my upcoming book, “Within the Medicine Lodge,” I will open the doors to the Lodge where I will share all I have been gifted by my Elders… everything except the “secret handshake.” Drop me an email if you want to reserve a copy. Thanks to all for your wonderful support.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Stop dawdling, NOW is the time!

Stop dawdling, NOW is the time!
Do you wait until the last minute to get things done? Are you slow to respond to calls, letters, email or notices? Are you always “hurrying up” to get things done in time? Are you late… a lot?
If any of these statements apply to you, you are among the multitudes. Many times I am just like you. I don’t like that feeling of pressure and urgency. Do you?
If we want to grow beyond the wearisome monotony of everyday life, we need to change how we approach each and every task.
Our goal need is to plan our time by dividing it into chunks, developing each part well, and delivering them in a timely manner… or just discard the things that don’t really matter.
It goal is within easy reach, and is quite simple… and it is just as challenging as the poor habits we want to change. Just change you habits. Examine what is good, middling and destructive… divide, develop, deliver or discard. Change from old to new habits is done the same way we acquired the old ways… we just need to do it.

Stop dawdling, NOW is the time!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A ThoughfulTidbit

Life comes as a complete package, the good, bad and the middlings...
learn and grow from each in it's measure.
Always remember, what you are, is what you choose to be.
Please choose wisely.

Jim Great Elk Waters ©2010

Find a Common Place in The Circle of The Ancestors

I beg all of us, to control our passions...
to ever measure our words carefully.

It is easy to follow the fire our passions, but it is our reasoned thinking that finds the good path.

We own every word we utter, write or think. Our words are most powerful weapons. They can make us believe our position is the moral and correct one, yet inflame others beyond reason… and visa versa.

Before we condemn those with who we disagree, "walk a while in their moccasins." The emotion of their passion is not unlike ours, only the reasons cause them differ. Understanding what fires others passions will help us all find a common place in the Circle of the Ancestors.

If we are to ever find some unity in our beloved country... good words and good thoughts must counter those we find abhorrent. If we are to make the world a better place for the Seven Generations not yet born, we must become dedicated statesmen, not reactionary sheep.

It is destiny of the First People of the Great Turtle Island to cause the end that which separates us, and push the herd together. This is OUR manifest destiny.

Jim Great Elk Waters ©09

Friday, July 30, 2010

A Quick Note - be a Daily Follower of Wapiti Wisdom

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Finding Renewal in a Child’s Smile

Today I was reminded of just how dynamic is the naïve energy of a child.

A friend dropped by my studio at he gallery. With him was his six year old daughter, filled with enthusiasm and wonderment. An ice breaker that often works with these mystical little people can be a simple as 5’s… high, low, behind and around. We were both giggling in a moment.

When I first saw her, she was busy taking photos of various art in the gallery. I did not think to ask her how she chose the ones she captured. I should have, but nevertheless, her intent approach was inspirational.

Later, after making her rounds of ALL the studios, she returned to ask me to pose with her for a photo. We picked an appropriate spot with one of my pieces in the background, and we smile widely as her father did he best impression of Ansell Adams.

It was apparent that she was thrilled to share the moment. In truth it was I who had been most moved… for she had brought new light into the shell home of my brain. Her being had caused me to once again become the little boy along the same street of my youth. Memories of past joys flooded and swept away any need for the present.

Yes, the magic of youth is but fleeting… yet recaptured in a wink… by the effervescent energy of a happy inquisitive child.

Thank you little lady for your gift this day, and I look forward to visiting with you and your father soon.

Yes Pocahontas, life is “just around the river bend.”

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Maintaining Balance in an Upside Down World

Again today I have been challenged to keep my balance.
I once again find that my ability to pause before replying (using a quick retort instead), has been severely strained. Doesn’t it seem curious that we “snap’ sooner with those we love most, much quicker than we would someone unimportant.
Familiarity? Forgiveness? Patience? Are these the traits that well known in that special person, that we assume they will prevail?
The truth is, words matter… a lot.
For those of us who are dealing with mental overload or PTSD as the case may be, this is la rigueur de cours.
What is the cause, the root source that defines the process for resolution. Most times I find that this challenge is the natural offspring of having too much on the plate. I lose track of the goal… whish for me is always to, “Walk in Balance.”
Most times it is as simple as recalling that my vitrol’s “target” is my very best friend, who is always there for me… deserving none of the claptrap I serve on these occasions.
As Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup) reminds us, break our schedule into manageable chunks, and dispose of them, one chunk at a time. So tomorrow, I promise to chunk, chunk, chunk my projects in little bites. Further I resolve once again, to internalize my frustrations, not regurgitate them for others to process in my stead.
With good planning and a tad of luck, I pray that tomorrow will be in much grater balance.
I wish you well with your chunking.
Another thought to share tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Question Everything

"Philosophical Psychology professor at the University of Dayton, who challenged me to question everything, origin, deity, faith, political and "humdrum minutia" with equal zeal. 

Never become so complacent with that which "feels right" that we take our eye of the ball... that is truth and justice... as Superman said, "It's the American Way." 
Jim Great Elk Waters ©2010

Peace This Day

"Find your peace within this day, for it is here that we can make change. Our past is as stones along life's trail... immovable and of no consequence."

It's our choice... we can make our lot better by making choices that will improve ourselves and our surroundings, or we can find refuge in the wilderness of self pity and misery. Irrespectively, we will in the end make choices that will be the markers on our trail of life... immovable and of no consequence. The choice is yours.